Players (C) who have played for Harrow Wanderers or for associated teams


A Cable 1961
AB Cable 1955-1958
CB Caldwell 1826
E Calverley 1844-1855
F Calvert 1822-1823
AG Cameron 1845-1850
J Cameron 1844
D Campbell 1851-1857
JC Campbell 1826
RA Capel 1846-1861
FMM Carlisle 1907-1908
H Carlisle 1869-1871
KM Carlisle 1899-1901
KRM Carlisle 1925-1927
MM Carlisle 1901-1902
GCR Carnac 1869
Carnegie 1869
VA Carp 1937
J Carpenter-Garnier 1856-1857
GP Carrick 1918
BD Carris 1933-1936
HH Carter 1940
ET Casdagli 1921
Cassidy 2009
NMT Castleman 2010-2012
CA Cater 1861-1866
Cave 1839
A Cavendish-Bentinck 1836
WJ Cely Trevilian 1848
P Chadwick 2012
GM Challenor 1953
GM Challoner 1953
A Chamberlain 2005
H Champion 1869
LJ Champniss 1955-1982
RAB Chancellor 1914
HP Chaplin 1914
RM Chaplin 1938
RS Chaplin 1889
SF Charles 1875-1876
L Chater 1875-1877
A Chatwin 2022
RD Cheales 1888
GC Cherry 1840
G Chetwynd 1866-1867
DSS Chichester 1966
CB Childe-Pemberton 1870-1879
FC Chisholm 1867
OF Chittenden 1993-1994
JA Chohan 2018-2022
HPG Cholmondeley 1940-1942
AC Chopra 2012
JHN Christie 1925
WS Church 1853-1858
Clarke 1880
Clarke 1831
EJD Clarke 1969-1971
JC Clarke 1885
JC Clarke 1822
TBA Clarke 1887
Clay 1827
FGH Clayton 1891-1896
R Clayton 1857-1858
WC Clayton 1856-1864
WH Cleaver 1852-1853
J Cleverley 2014/15-2015
JJ Cleverly 2015
HA Clive 1952
NB Clive 1930-1932
PL Cloete 1844
Lord Clonbrock 1833
E Clough-Taylor 1841-1851
HG Clough-Taylor 1881-1885
LG Clough-Taylor 1875-1878
C Clover-Brown 1925-1927
RJ Clover-Brown 1963-1965
JH Clutterbuck 1852
TR Clutterbuck 1903
TJC Coaker 2005
FC Cobden 1866-1871
AH Cochrane 1870-1875
JG Cochrane 1828
J Cockayne 1828
J Cockrane 1828
TGO Cole 1895-1897
TB Colenso 1842
AO Collins 1936
IG Collins 1919-1925
JAS Collins 1931-1933
JG Collins 1920-1921
WAR Collins 1917-1919
GSOA Colthurst 1948-1949
RL Colthurst 1945-1947
D Colville 1932
WA Commerell 1842
NRD Compton 2000-2005
RC Compton 1974-1989
JM Connell 2021
Maharaja of Cooch Behar 1934
R Cook 2011-2012
HB Cooke 1818
CJM Cooke-Hurle 2000
JRF Cooke-Hurle 1998-2009
G Cookson 1898-1900
I Coomaraswamy 1964-1996
CJH Cooper 1880
CWH Cooper 1880
DGW Cooper 1951
JFP Cooper 1963
RTA Cooper 1944
CP Coote 1869-1870
AA Copestick 2014-2016
REW Copland-Crawford 1868-1873
HSS Corbett 1969-1974
FS Corrance 1839-1852
PD Cotes-Preedy 1929
G Cotterell 1835-1838
GH Cotterell 1855
B Cotton 1880
CE Cottrell 1872-1891
GC Cottrell 1871
DO Couper 1931
DA Court 1849-1853
HCJ Cousens 2009-2010
M Cousens 2017
ME Cousens 2010-2013
FE Covington 1930-1932
W Cowan 1861
C Cowley 1831-1832
JL Cowley 1939-1940
RB Cowley 1906-1907
ANL Cox 1995-2013
AR Cox 1883-1884
J Cox 1966-1967
CM Craggs 1972
A Craigie 1863
A Crake 1880
DH Crake 1944
EH Crake 1903-1910
FH Crake 1907
G Crake 1878-1880
RH Crake 1900-1910
WP Crake 1868-1874
MCR Crawford 1994
AH Crawley 1964-1965
AM Crawley 1924-1931
AS Crawley 1894-1925
CAS Crawley 1964
CD Crawley 1852-1855
CS Crawley 1920-1925
E Crawley 1885-1886
EGC Crawley 1947-1948
GB Crawley 1849-1866
HE Crawley 1882-1887
KE Crawley 1922-1924
LG Crawley 1920-1931
RS Crawley 1966-1967
SH Crawley 2005-2018
RH Creake 1900
DC Crerar 1979-1994
FJ Cresswell 1839
GO Cresswell 1863
FJ Creswell 1839
FH Crocker 1958
J Crofts 1832-1833
HB Crosse 1854-1857
DE Crowther 1958
RR Cruise 1895
EAC Crump 1965-1982
E Crutchley 1938-1940
GEV Crutchley 1908-1920
PE Crutchley 1873-1878
CT Cunningham 1827-1828
CS Currer 1843-1862
JR Currer 1837-1838
FA Currie 1869
RG Currie 1852-1878
AM Curteis 1851-1852
JR Cuthbert 1843
GL Cutler 2022-2024